Sendmarc partner scoring widget setup guide

This article provides instructions on how to create and setup the Sendmarc Partner Scoring Widget on your website.

 Sections in the article:

Set up your scoring widget

Here are the steps needed:

  • Step 1: Get your unique widget identifier/token
  • Step 2: Embed the script code on your website
  • Step 3: Create the form

Step 1: Get your unique widget identifier/token

Your widget has a unique identifier code (widget token) that is tied into your account on the Partner Portal and to the website that you choose to embed it on. All submissions will be available on the Partner Portal and each submission will also be sent via an email notification to an email address or addresses that you specify. For this reason, you need to set up your widget token first, which will look something like this:


To create your widget token, follow these 5 steps below:

NB: Log into your account on the partner portal.

1.1. Go to the “Partners” tab located on the left navigation.


1.2. Choose which partner you would like to create a widget for and click the pencil (edit) icon on the right:


1.3. Click the “Widget” button and a modal will open on the right of the screen. Select the “Create One?” link:


1.4. Add the relevant domain name in the text field and the email address/es where you would like the submission notifications to be sent to. Click the “+” (add) icon after each entry to capture the data. You can add more than one email address for notifications. Click save.


1.5. Your widget token will appear above on the same modal. You can copy and paste this from here to use when setting up your scoring widget on a website or landing page. You can always find the token here if needed.


Step 2: Embed the widget script code on your website

Once you have your unique widget token, you can then embed the widget code in your site. The widget script code is given below. 

Copy this code and paste it in the page on your site where you wish the widget to appear. Replace the text WIDGET-IDENTIFIER-GOES-HERE with your unique widget identifier/token. You can also change the config variable to change how you wish the widget to show on your site, as well as to match the styling of your site. The configuration options are detailed at the end of this article.


(function(w, d, s, o, f, js, fjs) {

w['SendmarcWidget'] = o;

w[o] = w[o] || function() {

(w[o].q = w[o].q || []).push(arguments)


js = d.createElement(s), fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; = o;

js.src = f;

js.async = 1;

fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);

}(window, document, 'script', 'smConfig', ''));

// The config below is an example that you can use to get started. Change any of the configuration options below to style the widget according to your site

config = {
version: '2',
  target: 'sendmarc-widget-form',
placement: 'modal',
  styles: {
      success: {
        primary: '#16a34a',
      warning: {
        primary: '#ca8a04',
    danger: {
        primary: '#dc2626',
  call_to_action: {
title: 'Sign-up Now',




You can use the scoring page on the Sendmarc site as an example of the kind of content that works for a page like this. Example text is given at the end of this article.

Step 3: Create the form

The next step is to create the form on the same page as the code from Step 2. This is the form that will accept an email address and provide a form submit button. You can use the code below.

<form id="sendmarc-widget-form" novalidate>
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="">
  <input type="checkbox" id="consent" name="consent">
<label for="consent">Contact me regarding my score</label>
<button type="submit"> Check score </button>

NOTE: keep the form id as shown above.

We have included the option for a user to "consent" to being contacted about their score. If this is implemented, the user has to check the checkbox to consent  to store and collect their personal information.

If the consent checkbox is implemented and it is unchecked, only the domain of the email address entered will be stored in the Partner Portal and the email notification will include a message that the customer has not consented to being contacted.

If the consent checkbox is not implemented, the user's email (along with any additional information captured in the form - see below) will be stored in the Partner Portal and emailed to the designated recipients. 

If you would like to collect additional contact information, you can do so by using additional input fields. The names of the fields that can store and then pass through to you via email are:

  1. first_name,
  2. last_name,
  3. contact_number,
  4. company_name,

A form with all of these could look like this:

<form id="sendmarc-widget-form" novalidate>
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="">
<input type="text" name="first_name" placeholder="First name">
<input type="text" name="last_name" placeholder="Last name">
<input type="text" name="contact_number" placeholder="Contact number">
<input type="text" name="company_name" placeholder="Company name">
<input type="checkbox" id="consent" name="consent">
<label for="consent">Contact me regarding my score</label>
<button type="submit"> Check score </button>

Viewing widget submissions

All submissions through the widget are 

  1. sent via email to the recipients provided in Step 1; and
  2. available to view on Sendmarc's Partner Portal, which can be accessed at

Widget configuration options

There are numerous ways to style the widget to fit in with the design of your website. These configurations need to be defined in the config section of the script. The options are given below.


The version and detail objects allow you to specify the type of scoring and rating you'd prefer in the widget results.

 Option  Description

This options specifies the version of the Widget, it can have the following values:

 1: The Widget scoring results will be given with a rating of 5, using the legacy blurbs.

2: The Widget scoring results will be given with a domain score of 100 using the overall blurbs. It will also include additional detail on Impersonation, Privacy and Branding Ratings.

NOTE: If the version is not set it will default to version 1.

detail (only applicable if version = 2)

This option allows you to either show or hide the detail ratings for version 2 of the widget.  If this option is not included in the config. it is set to true by default which will display the detailed ratings. 

Options: true/false


The placement object defines the placement of results when form is submitted.

Option Description

This option specifies the placement of the widget scoring results in the form. It can have one of the following values:

modal: The widget scoring results will be displayed as a modal dialog on top of the form.

replace: The widget scoring results will replace the form entirely, taking up the same space.

appends: The widget scoring results will be inserted under the form.

NOTE: you can also set this placement option to the id of any div on your page and it will be appended to that page. For example:

placement: 'widget-scoring-result'

will result in the results being appended to the div with the id of "widget-scoring-result". 

modelWidth This option specifies the width of the widget when it is displayed as a modal dialog. For example: 640px
target This option specifies the id of the div that contains the form to submit the widget submission.


The styles object defines the colours used for the low, moderate and high risk graph on the results page. 

Option Description
success.primary The color for low risk graph borders and backgrounds.
success.secondary The color for low risk graph text.
warning.primary The color for moderate risk graph borders and backgrounds.
warning.secondary The color for moderate risk graph text.
danger.primary The color for high risk graph borders and backgrounds.
danger.secondary The color for moderate risk graph text.

Call to action

The call to action object defines the options on how to handle the button on results page when domain score falls below a certain threshold.

Option Description

A boolean value that signifies whether the call to action will direct you to your unique partner online sign-up page. If set to false it will use the value of the href.

This boolean value defaults to true when not specified.

title A string that represents the title of the call-to-action button that will be displayed to the user whether it directs to sign-up or the URL specified in href.
href A string that represents the URL to which the call-to-action button will navigate when signup_enabled is false. 
threshold An integer that represents the email score threshold. If the domain email score falls below this threshold, the call-to-action button will be shown. The threshold is a rating out of 5 for version 1 and a score out of 100 for version 2.
classes A string that represents the CSS classes to be applied to the call-to-action button on the results page.

Language and text

The widget text can be customised to follow the language and tone of your website.

 General Options  Description
 loading_text  Loading text displayed on submission next to button.
 analysis_header  Header displayed with on results page below domain name.
risk_level_danger  Heading displayed for High Risk score and ratings
risk_level_warning Heading displayed for Moderate Risk score and ratings
risk_level_success Heading displayed for Low Risk score and ratings


Version 1 Options Description
legacy_score_blurb_danger High risk results message.
legacy_score_blurb_warning Moderate risk results message.
legacy_score_blurb_success Low risk results message.


 Version 2 Options  Description
overall_result_header  Header displayed with overall score.
 overall_blurb_danger  High Risk score message.
 overall_blurb_warning  Moderate Risk score message.
 overall_blurb_success  Low Risk score message.
 impersonation_result_header  Header displayed with impersonation rating.
 impersonation_blurb_danger High Risk impersonation rating message.
 impersonation_blurb_warning Moderate Risk impersonation rating message.
 impersonation_blurb_success Low Risk impersonation rating message.
privacy_result_header Header displayed with privacy rating.
privacy_blurb_danger High Risk privacy rating message.
privacy_blurb_warning Moderate Risk privacy rating message.
privacy_blurb_success  Low Risk privacy rating message.
marketing_result_header Header displayed with branding rating.
marketing_blurb_danger  High Risk branding rating message.
marketing_blurb_warning  Moderate Risk branding rating message.
marketing_blurb_success  Low Risk branding rating message.


Widget configuration example 

Below is an example of what a custom configuration can look like where the results are appended to the current form and the call-to-action redirects to a contact us page with customized language settings:

config = {
version: '2',
detail: 'false'
 target: 'sendmarc-widget-form',
placement: 'appends',
 styles: {
   success: {
     primary: '#16a34a',
   warning: {
     primary: '#ca8a04',
 danger: {
     primary: '#dc2626',
call_to_action: {
title: 'Contact us',
href: '',
classes: 'btn-primary',
 language: {
   analysis_header: 'Domain score for:',
   loading_text: 'Checking your score...',
    overall_blurb_danger: 'You don\'t have effective controls in place to protect your domain from impersonation and interception of email communication. This puts your brand and email recipients at risk of attacks, reduces trust, and can damage email deliverability.',
    overall_blurb_warning: 'You have some measures in place to protect recipients from malicious email from your domain. Attention should be paid to areas where controls can be improved. These measures build trust in your brand, protect recipients from attacks and help ensure email is delivered effectively.',
    overall_blurb_success: 'Email from your domain is highly secure from impersonation and interception and recipients will see your branding in communication. These measures build trust in your brand, protect recipients from attacks and help ensure email is delivered effectively.',

Widget configuration defaults

Should configs not be defined the following defaults will apply.


version 1
detail (Only for v2) true
target sendmarc-widget-form
placement model
modelWidth 450px


success.primary #16a34a
success.secondary #ffffff
warning.primary #ca8a04
warning.secondary #ffffff
danger.primary #dc2626
danger.secondary #ffffff


signup_enabled true
title Sign-up Now
threshold (v1) 4
threshold (v2) 80
classes _sm-call-to-action-button


analysis_header Domain score for:
loading_text Checking your score...
risk_level_danger High Risk
risk_level_warning Moderate Risk
risk_level_success Low Risk
legacy_score_blurb_danger There is little or no protection at all of your domain, with the highest probability that your domain and therefore your company name may be hijacked by criminals and used in fraudulent email activities.
legacy_score_blurb_warning Your domain configuration requires one more change. Deliverability of rightful email may be affected by being sent to spam or junk folders and savvy criminals could impersonate your domain.
legacy_score_blurb_success Your company has a very low risk of your name being used by criminals in fraudulent email activities. Domains with a score of 5 are 100% DMARC compliant and are protected from impersonation and phishing attacks.
overall_score_result_header Overall Score
overall_score_blurb_danger You don't have effective controls in place to protect your domain from impersonation and interception of email communication. This puts your brand and email recipients at risk of attacks, reduces trust, and can damage email deliverability.
overall_score_blurb_warning You have some measures in place to protect recipients from malicious email from your domain. Attention should be paid to areas where controls can be improved. These measures build trust in your brand, protect recipients from attacks and help ensure email is delivered effectively.
overall_score_blurb_success Email from your domain is highly secure from impersonation and interception and recipients will see your branding in communication. These measures build trust in your brand, protect recipients from attacks and help ensure email is delivered effectively.
impersonation_result_header Impersonation Rating
impersonation_blurb_danger There is little or no protection at all of your domain, with the highest probability that your domain and therefore your company name may be hijacked by criminals and used in fraudulent email activities. 
impersonation_blurb_warning Your domain configuration requires one more change. Deliverability of legitimate email may be disrupted and some messages may land in Spam or Junk folders. Savvy cybercriminals could impersonate your domain.
impersonation_blurb_success Your organization has very low risk of your name being used by criminals in fraudulent email activities. Domains with a score of 5 are 100% DMARC compliant and are protected from impersonation and phishing attacks.
privacy_result_header Privacy Rating
privacy_blurb_danger Your domain has minimal to no safeguards in place for email privacy, posing a high risk that your communications could be intercepted or compromised by unauthorized parties. While most senders encrypt communication by default, it is important to enforce policies for those that don't.
privacy_blurb_warning Your enforcement of encryption for email communication requires attention. Your emails could be intercepted if sending isn't secured.
privacy_blurb_success  Your email communication is at low risk of being intercepted by or visible to cybercriminals. Your domain enforces effective encryption standards and you'll receive reporting on enforcement of these measures.
marketing_result_header Branding Rating
marketing_blurb_danger You have not effectively implemented email inbox branding for your domain. Branding builds trust and assures recipients that an email is authentic. We recommend that you fully implement BIMI for better recognition.
marketing_blurb_warning Your email branding configuration requires some attention. Your logo and verified sender mark may display in certain email clients but most require a fully implemented BIMI record to display branding.
marketing_blurb_success Your organization effectively uses branding to build trust through emails. Your logo and verified sender mark will be visible to recipients in email clients that support BIMI.


Showing the score results on a new page

The widget also allows you to show the results of the scoring on a separate page. To do this, you need to do the following:

Starting page:

  1. In the form tag, change the form submission method from POST to GET, and set the action parameter to the url of the page you wish to show the results on;
  2. Set the name of the input field to "domain_score";
  3. Set the 'placement' key on the widget config to a unique name, such as "widget-results". You will be using this on the results page.
  4. Remove the id="sendmarc-widget-form" from the form tag so that the javascript doesn't intercept the call and the form can then post correctly to the new page.

Here is a basic example of the form:

<form method="GET" action="/score-results"> 
<input type="email" name="domain_score" placeholder="">
<input type="checkbox" id="consent" name="consent">
<label for="consent">Contact me regarding my score</label>

<button type="submit"> Check score </button

Results Page:

  1. Include the widget javascript on the score results page. NOTE: you only need the javascript on the results page - you do not need to include a form.
  2. Add a div to your score results page that the form will be shown in. Set the id to the unique name you set in your widget config, i.e. "widget-results".
<div id="widget-results">
<p>This is where the widget will be placed</p>

Example text to use on the scoring page

Use the Sendmarc page as an example of what a fully styled example page could look like.

Example text used with Widget Form:

Understanding your score

Everyone is at risk from email fraudsters. How do we score your domain safety?

Sendmarc has developed an algorithm that rates an organisation’s exposure to fraudulent email activities such as impersonation, phishing and spoofing, and the risk their current domain poses to the cyber security of their company.

A score between 0 and 5 is assigned to an organisation.

5 A score of five (5) indicates a company has a very low risk of their name being used by criminals in fraudulent email activities. Domains with a score of 5 are 100% DMARC compliant and are protected from impersonation and phishing attacks.
4 A score of four (4) requires one more change. Deliverability of rightful email may be affected by being sent to spam or junk folders and savvy criminals could impersonate your domain.
0-3 A score of three (3) or less indicates no protection at all of their name, and the highest probability that their name will be hijacked by criminals and used in fraudulent email activities.