Authorized Senders Report

View Authorized Email Sources and check SPF configuration.

Sendmarc's Authorized Senders Report provides an overview of email sources that are categorized as "Authorized" for a domain. It also indicates whether the email source can be found in your SPF record and provides the SPF setup from this interface.

Authorized Sender Breakdown

  • Email Source Logo, Name and Service Type
  • Email Source Email Volume
  • Email Source Compliance Percentage
  • Email Source Compliance Ratio Bar Graph
  • Email Source Email Volume Line Graph
  • Email Source SPF Configuration Check
  • Email Source Category

View Authorized Sender Report Date Range

The Authorized Senders Report's date range defaults to the last 7 days, but can be changed to your desired date range:

View Authorized Sender Report for domain

Select the domain from the dropdown in the top right corner to view the Authorized Senders Report for a specific domain:

SPF record check and configuration

Sendmarc checks if each Authorized Sender is configured in your SPF record. If the email source is not found in your SPF record, Sendmarc gives you the option to the Add SPF Settings. This option is only provided for Sendmarc's known authorized senders.

Configure SPF Settings for Authorized Sender

To add the SPF settings for a specific email source to your SPF record, click the Add SPF Settings button and the change will be applied to your SPF configuration. To remove it from your SPF settings you'll need to remove it from within Domain Management > SPF Settings interface.
The automated configuration of email sources will only take affect if your SPF record has been verified.

Authorizing your Email Sources

For email sources to appear as Authorized Senders, you'll need to categorize them as "Authorized" inside Email Source Reports.
Categorizing your senders only labels your data for reporting purposes and will not affect the authentication capability of the email source. Learn more about email source categories and how to categorize your reporting data.

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