SMTP2GO is the scalable, reliable email deliverability solution. Worldwide servers, a robust API, and powerful reporting

There is no need to update your SPF record, and you do not need to add any additional MX records beyond your existing records to use this service

Sender Domains

To configure DKIM and SPF for SMTP2GO please navigate to the Verified Senders Menu in the Admin Panel.

To set up a verified sender domain, follow the steps below:

Step 1:

From the left-hand menu, make your way to the "Sending > Verified Senders > Sender domains" page in your SMTP2GO dashboard.

In the "Sender domains" section, click 'Add sender domain', enter your domain in the textbox and click 'Continue with this domain'. For example, if you send your emails from then you would enter


Step 2 - DNS records setup:

Create the CNAME records that are required. The Verified Senders page will let you know exactly what you need to enter.


Step 3- Add your DKIM keys to your Sendmarc Portal:

Step 4 - Tracking Domain and Subdomain for Return Path SPF Alignment:

Both of these records must go directly into DNS and not into Sendmarc.

EM Subdomain

The 1st/top CNAME record is a subdomain from which the emails will be sent, and it also allows the return path to align with your from domain.

Tracking domain

The third/bottom CNAME record is the tracking domain (for any links in your email) to use secure "https" instead of "HTTP".

Step 5 - Record Validation:

Click the Validate button once you have added the records and if it successfully validates, your emails will start authenticating with DKIM and SPF.domainverified.png

Official Documentation

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