PowerShell Script to set the PostMaster address in MS365
Sendmarc provides no support for PowerShell scripts and these are executed at your own risk.
Sendmarc takes no responsibility for any issues that this script might cause.
Please read through the code before executing the script
Please copy the contents of this script below into a TXT file and rename the file as "Sendmarc Sendmarc Microsoft 365 PostMaster Enabler.ps1"
Should the script successfully execute, a log file will be created at C:\Sendmarc\nameofscript.txt
Please review this article on how to execute a PowerShell Script:
Script Objective
The objective of this script is to allow you to set the PostMaster address in MS365
The script will automatically prompt you for input upon execution to set a PostMaster address.
The script will query you to login into MS365, please ensure the account you are logging in with has access to security.microsoft.com
Script Contents
#Author: Brian Goosen - brian@sendmarc.com
#Usage of this Script is at your own risk.
#Added Functions to drive application flow.
$hostGui = $Host.UI.RawUI
$HostGui.WindowTitle = "Sendmarc MS365 PostMaster Enabler V1.0"
$HostGui.ForegroundColor = "White"
# Check if the script is running with administrative privileges
$isAdmin = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
# If not running as admin, relaunch the script with elevated permissions
if (-not $isAdmin) {
Write-Host "This script requires administrative privileges. Please run the script as an administrator." -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Relaunch the script with elevated permissions
Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "-File $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)"
# Generate a timestamp for the log file name
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"
# Create a log file path
$logFilePath = "C:\Sendmarc\Sendmarc_PostMaster_Enable_LogFile_$timestamp.txt"
# Start logging
Start-Transcript -Path $logFilePath
Write-Host "==================================================" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Sendmarc MS365 PostMaster Enabler" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Author: Brian Goosen" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Email: Brian@sendmarc.com" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "COPYRIGHT SENDMARC" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "==================================================" -ForegroundColor Green
function LaunchApplication {
#Confirm Application Launch
$title = 'Configure MS365 PostMaster'
$question = 'Do you want to continue?'
$choices = '&Yes', '&No'
$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
if ($decision -eq 0) {
else {
Write-Host "Script Aborted" -ForegroundColor Red
function ConnecttoMS365 {
Write-Host "Checking if ExchangeOnlineManagement is installed" -ForegroundColor Cyan
if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement)) {
Write-Host "Installing ExchangeOnlineManagement Powershell Module" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -Force -Scope CurrentUser
else {
Write-Host "ExchangeOnlineManagement is installed" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Importing ExchangeOnlineManagment" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Write-Host "Connecting to MS365" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Please Log into MS365" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Connected to MS365" -ForegroundColor Cyan
function GetCurrentPostmaster {
Write-Host "Getting Current PostMaster Address" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Curernt PostMaster Address is:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Get-TransportConfig | Format-List ExternalPostmasterAddress
function SetPostMaster {
#Confirm Postmaster Change
$title = 'Change Postmaster Address?'
$question = 'Do you want to continue?'
$choices = '&Yes', '&No'
$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
if ($decision -eq 0) {
$postMasterAddress = Read-Host "Enter New Postmaster Address (postmaster@domain.com)"
Set-TransportConfig -ExternalPostmasterAddress $postMasterAddress
Write-Host "Getting Current PostMaster Address" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "New PostMaster Address is:"
Get-TransportConfig | Format-List ExternalPostmasterAddress
else {
Write-Host "Script Aborted" -ForegroundColor Red
#Launch Application
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "==================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Thank you for choosing Sendmarc!" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "==================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Stop logging
# Display the path of the log file
Write-Host "Log file created: $logFilePath"
Write-Host "Press Enter to Close This Program" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Read-Host "..."
Need Help?
Sendmarc does not provide any support for PowerShell scripts and are run at your own risk.