Sendmarc Dashboard Overview

Sendmarc provides an overview dashboard that will allow you to see aggregated statistics for all domains in an account.


On the primary Dashboard overview, statistics for domains, sources, senders, and mail volumes across all domains are aggregated in cards that show you quick insights across this account.

Time Periods in Sendmarc default to 7 days, you have full control over the selected time period by using the date box selector in the top right-hand corner.

Quick Insight Cards


The domains card will show you statistics about Active and Inactive domains in the account.

The doughnut chart will also display the DMARC policy applied to the domains.


The volume card will show you a breakdown of authorised vs unauthorised mail volume over the selected time period.

The doughnut chart will also display the authentication results by technologies that achieved the authentication.


The sender's card will show your source categorisation across the different senders in the account. This will change depending on how many senders you have marked as authorised.

The doughnut chart also displays the authentication results of each grouped source

Detailed Breakdown Cards


The detailed domains breakdown shows you information across the domains, this will show information such as:

  • Domain Name
  • Enforcement Policy
    • None
    • Quarantine
    • Reject
  • Service Level
    • Managed
    • Self-Managed
  • Authorised Senders
    • Sender Total
    • Volume Total
    • Compliance Chart
  • Unauthorised Senders
    • Senders Total
    • Volume Total
    • Compliance Chart

Authorised Senders

Authorised Senders will show each sender that you have source grouped as an authorised sender across all of your domains in this account.

This will also show you information such as:

  • Sender Name
  • Domain Name
  • Sender Mail Volume
  • Compliance Bar Chart
  • Source Grouping Categorisation


The timeline will show you your DMARC authentication & failure rate across the selected time period we are looking at the data.

Source Countries

The source countries card will show you the top 5 sending countries that are sending emails across all of your domains with a world map showing where the countries are located.

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