MXVault by Global Micro SPF and DKIM setup

MXVault is an intelligent email archiving and protection for company-wide security and compliance by Global Micro. 

To enable MXVault to send authenticated mail from your domain please update your SPF and DKIM records which can be done inside the Sendmarc control panel or directly on the DNS. Editing your records inside the Sendmarc control panel is preferable.

1. Global Micro SPF Setup

Please note that the following SPF changes should only be applied to the Sendmarc record within Sendmarc and not the hosting provider.

Include String
MXVault SPF Record

2. Global Micro DKIM Setup

2.1. Generate Global Micro DKIM Key

2.2 Publish DKIM Key

1. Once the key is generated, you will need to load the key into the Sendmarc DKIM manager as a TXT record

It will look like the example below:

Type Host TXT Value TTL
TXT mxvault._domainkey p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC6pXE15mUQJzPXGPnDJSohgX6ywahOPrBw06ix9DCpm2+DIHvmZNnoP+8TNRa09pzEA6bTfDbOwB8UMZR8WSHWw/yS78MrNnm9S6YjiU2Jd/X+8uY06n8QAzi7M0fQwAQYiyXaC2FocA0D+ycB/cTMluKzSyKnEnCC+nhb4UFISQIDAQAB 1 hour (Default)

2.3 Enable Global Micro DKIM Signing

To enable DKIM Signing on Global Micro, send the following email.

To Address: 

To Address:

Email Subject: Enable DKIM Signing <> 

Email Subject:

Email Body: 

Email Body:


Hi Global Micro,


Please will you enable DKIM signing on the following domain(s)


    << >>


I have already published your DKIM keys on the domains(s) so you can go ahead and implement signing


Kind regards