Email Sources - Deliverability Dashboard

Sendmarc provides a Deliverability dashboard that will allow you to see deliverability statistics for a specific domain in your account using DMARC reporting data

Deliverability Dashboard

The deliverability dashboard is a view of the deliverability statistics of your domain's emails, this dashboard is designed to show your overall deliverability ratio and the authentication results that helped you achieve deliverability across various email sources.

Time Periods in Sendmarc default to 7 days, you have full control over the selected time period by using the date box selector in the top right-hand corner.

You can select the domain whose data you want to look at in the top right-hand corner.

Click this dropdown to view additional domains in this account.

You can change your current active dashboard by selecting the required dashboard in the top action bar.

Dashboard Filters

You can filter the view based on what the email-sending sources are currently categorised as:

You can change this filter by selecting a different option in the menu.


By default, you will always land on the "ALL" view which will show all sending sources regardless of categorisation.


This view will only show you email-sending sources that are categorised as authorized.


This view will show you any email-sending sources that are uncategorized or sources that cannot be grouped.


This view will show you any email-sending sources that are categorised as a forwarding source.


This view will show you any email-sending sources that have been categorized as unauthorized.


This view will show you any email-sending sources that have been categorized as suspicious.

Quick Insight Cards


The deliverability card will show you the overall deliverability ratio of all email-sending sources on this domain.

The doughnut chart will show you the authentication technologies that were used to achieve deliverable emails.

Deliverable Volume

The deliverable volume card will show you the overall number of emails passed DMARC, were forwarded or overridden by additional technologies such as ARC (Authenticated Receivers-Chain)

The chart will show you graphs with the deliverable mail volume per day with their authentication statuses and override statuses.

Blocked Volume

The blocked volume card will show you the overall number of emails that were not delivered because they have failed DMARC authentication and were not overridden.

The chart will show you graphs on which day the most blocks were seen when sending emails.

Detailed Insight Cards


This sources view will show you in great detail how many email-sending sources we have seen over the time period of data we are looking at. This view can be expected to go over many pages.

This view is where additional analysis and interpretation about the deliverability of email will be completed.

Deliverability & Authentication Legend

You will have a legend displaying the meaning of the colours in the bar graphs showing deliverability status.

Source Grouping

You can change the source grouping of any source to your desired grouping by clicking on the drop-down menu on the right-hand side.

Source Overview

On the Sources page, you will see many unique sending sources grouped by name, these values are by default filtered to show the top sending sources from the most amount of mail volume to the least amount of mail volume sent over the data period.

There are multiple headings above each value:

  • Source
    • This will contain the name of the source and its categorisation of what type of email-sending system it may be.
  • Deliverability
    • This deliverability bar graph will track your overall deliverability percentage while also displaying the override technologies used to achieve a deliverable email.
  • Volume
    • The amount of email this source has sent over the data period.
  • Failing DMARC
    • The amount of emails that have failed DMARC authentication.
  • Passing DMARC
    • The amount of emails that have passed DMARC authentication.
  • Category
    • The category applied to this specific email-sending source.

Source Details

You can expand each source to view the IP addresses and the Hostnames of the servers that sent these emails.

This displays additional information in the header columns:

  • IP Address 
    • The IP Address of the server that sent this email.
    • This will also show the country flag of the country that this IP address is located in.
  • Host 
    • The hostname of the server that sent this email.
  • Volume 
    • The amount of email volume sent by this specific server.
    • This is also the default filtering, showing the biggest sender to the smallest sender.
  • Failing DMARC 
    • The amount of emails from this specific server that failed DMARC  authentication.
  • Passing DMARC 
    • The amount of emails from this specific server that passed DMARC authentication.
  • Passing
    • The amount of emails from this server that passed either SPF or DKIM authentication.
  • Forwards
    • The amount of emails from this server that were forwarded, but DKIM or ARC allowed it to authenticate correctly.
  • Overridden
    • The amount of emails from this server that had an override policy applied to the email.
  • Blocked
    • The number of emails from this server that were blocked.

Detailed Source Overview

You can expand the data even further by clicking the IP Address. This will open a menu with more detailed contextual information about this specific IP Address and host.

This menu has multiple headers looking at various pieces of information.


The overview page has general information about this specific sending IP and host server.

  • ISP (Internet Service Provider)
  • Host
  • Country
  • Group
    • This is what Sendmarc has source grouped this specific senders service as.
  • Organisation
  • Volume
  • Compliance Ratio
  • Deliverability Ratio
  • Blacklists
  • Threat Level


The reporter's section tells us who sent us these DMARC reports.

This menu has multiple headers looking at various pieces of information.

  • Volume
  • Reporter
    • The company or infrastructure that sent us these DMARC reports.
  • % of Total
    • The percentage total that these amounts of DMARC reports make up.
  • Compliance

On the Reporters section if you hover over the 3 dots on the right-hand side you can see additional information such as:

  • Envelope To
  • Envelope From
  • Header From

The amount of information you will see in these sections depends on the quality of the DMARC reports we are receiving, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Enterprise Outlook will show the most information where a reporter such as Google will only show the header from domain.

Results Summary

The results summary page shows us the alignment and authentication details of these senders unique to this specific IP address.

This menu has multiple headers looking at various pieces of information.

  • Volume
  • DKIM Result
    • DKIM pass or failure.
    • DKIM Alignment.
    • DKIM Signing domain.
  • SPF Result
    • SPF pass or failure.
    • SPF Alignment.
    • SPF Return Path domain.
  • DMARC Result
  • Published Policy
    • What was the DMARC policy active when this mail was validated.
  • Policy Applied
    • What policy applied to this email.
    • This is dependent on the published policy and the authentication results.

SPF Results

The results summary page shows us the SPF alignment and authentication details of these senders unique to this specific IP address.

This menu has multiple headers looking at various pieces of information.

  • Volume
  • Return -Path Domain
  • Alignment
  • SPF Result
  • DMARC via SPF
    • Was DMARC via SPF achieved?

DKIM Results

The results summary page shows us the DKIM alignment and authentication details of these senders unique to this specific IP address.

This menu has multiple headers looking at various pieces of information.

  • Volume
  • Signing Domain
  • Selector
    • The specific selector key used to sign this specific email.
  • Alignment
  • DKIM Result
  • DMARC via DKIM
    • Was DMARC via DKIM achieved.


Were any overrides applied to these emails, such as ARC (Authenticated Receivers-Chain)

This menu has multiple headers looking at various pieces of information.

  • Volume
  • Reporter
  • DMARC Result
  • Published Policy
  • Policy Applied
  • Override Type
  • Comment
    • This is where you can see any ARC comments that would be present in the headers of this email, such as ARC=FAIL or ARC=PASS.


The timeline will show you your DMARC authentication & failure rate across the selected time period we are looking at the data.

Source Countries

The source countries card will show you the top 5 sending countries that are sending emails across all of your domains with a world map showing where the countries are located.

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