Account Administration - Accounts Dashboard

This Dashboard will display all of the accounts present in your Sendmarc tenant.

This Dashboard displays all the accounts of your tenant.

On this page, you will see the following:

  • Account Names
  • Package Applied to Accounts
  • Account Status
  • Edit Button (Pencil)
  • Users Button (Picture of a Man)
    • You will click on this to log in as a user of the selected account.

You can click on a specific account to show more details in a popup window about this account.

This menu is where you will configure and change settings related to the specific options on an account.


  • Email for the account
  • Account Type
  • Breach Detection Package
  • Lookalike Domain Package
  • Date Created


  • Single Sign-On
  • Single Sign-On Provider
  • Two-Factor Authentication

Notifications (DEPRECATED)

Please use the new notifications and alerting system.


This will display all actions taken on this account.

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